In today’s business climate, high performing PMOs are guiding organisations successfully through the development of innovative products and services, digital and Agile transformations, delivery of strategic programs, changes in priorities, shifting demands, and much more. To deliver these outcomes, PMOs need to be structured and supported to evolve into adaptive, dynamic and flexible functions, adding value to the organisation and contributing to the achievement of strategic goals. The PMO Maturity Assessment is designed as a thought starter – giving you a quick overview of how effectively your PMO is driving the critical work for your organisation.
PMO Maturity Assessment
PMO structure and role within your organisation
Yes | In progress | No | |
1. Is the role of your PMO clearly defined and known within your organisation? |
2. Is your PMO function used widely across your organisation? |
3. Does your PMO actively drive the projects agenda for the organisation? |
4. Are you able to effectively support a mix of formal and informal project managers across your programs/ portfolios of work? |
5. Do you have one area ensuring all work is aligned with strategic goals? |
6. Can you manage multiple project approaches within the one PMO? |
7. Can you pivot quickly if circumstances/ business goals change? |
8. Are your portfolios/ programs/ projects prioritised/ measured against achievement of strategic business goals/ OKRs? |
PMO processes and tools
Yes | In progress | No | |
1. Do you have a repeatable, scalable and accessible process for managing projects across your organisation? |
2. Can you effectively manage a range of different project management methodologies e.g. waterfall, Agile, hybrid? |
3. Can you easily access all project information and schedules? |
4. Do you have a consistent approach for project prioritisation? |
5. Can you see a consolidated view of resources across all projects? |
6. Can you easily track and report on budgets? |
7. Is report preparation efficient and accurate? |
8. Are you able to manage issues/ risks in a timely way? |
9. Are your project teams/ PMO supported effectively with technology? |
10. Is administration efficient so most of your time is focused on delivery? |
PMO sponsorship and relationships
Yes | In progress | No | |
1. Do you have a senior/ executive sponsor for your PMO? |
2. Do you have strong relationships and regular communication with your key stakeholders? |
3. Do other areas of the organisation actively seek support from the PMO? |
4. Are you involved in driving the organisation’s change agenda? |
5. Do you have a strong sphere of influence across the organisation? |
6. Are you actively involved in work acceptance and prioritisation with the executive team? |
The stages of PMO maturity
The three PMO evolution stages are indicative of an organisation’s maturity in project management, with the PMO’s role and responsibilities advancing from project management oversight and control at the lower end of the scale to strategic business alignment at the upper end.

If you answered mainly ‘no’ to the three sections of the assessment, you are likely in the Directive PMO stage of PMO function – relying on a command-and-control approach, potentially bogged down by a lot of bureaucratic or administrative processes and struggling to match the time-to-value expectations of the organisation.
If you answered with a lot of ‘in-progress’ you are heading toward or operating more in the space of an Adaptive PMO function – with higher levels of engagement throughout the business and with key stakeholders, and a growing focus on continuous delivery and ability to meet the changing needs of the organisation.
If you answered mainly ‘yes’, then you are well on your way to becoming a true Dynamic PMO, supporting the definition, tracking and realisation of organisational value and supporting business agility. In this stage, the PMO is viewed as a trusted partner that creates value directly tied to key business objectives and outcomes.
Project management maturity is a strong indicator of the value that a PMO is driving in an organisation. By understanding your maturity level, you can begin to structure a roadmap to create continuous improvement and highlight the areas to focus on that will elevate the value your PMO is delivering.
Start your roadmap today
If you’d like to find out how you can start the process, Sensei is here to help. We’ve delivered portfolio and project management solutions to hundreds of organisations across a broad range of industry sectors and government agencies and are happy to share this experience with you.
– Get the whitepaper, Strategic Evolution of the PMO
– Book a complimentary Envision Workshop
– Find out more
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